Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Across the Pacific. ~

We arrived at the Vancouver airport at about 10pm. Oh my gosh! This place is HUGE. The Courtenay airport, runway and all, could have fit inside one of the many enormous buildings.

Here is Joey trying to figure out where we were sappost to go, and which line to line up in. Without him I'm certain that Id still be hopelessly lost in the Vancouver airport.

Here's little smurf that I still haven't named. We had been standing in a lineup for about 40min by that point..

Well finally got rid of our luggage and made out way to the waiting room. There were these weird escalator things but they were flat on the ground.

Here are our plane tickets! These little pieces of paper cost 1000$+, but at least they had our names on them.

We boarded the plane a little before 2am, and despite exhaustion I was still excited. Poor Joey was practically asleep before the plane took off. I hope I didn't crush his hand when we were taking off but I haven't been so scared in such a long time! (it was my first flight after all!) For the first time I was pleased that we flew out at night because Vancouver looked amazing!

I thought plane food was sappost to be terrible! I really didn't mind it. But then again I was starving by that point. They even gave us a cookie ^^.

I was so jealous of Joey during the eleven hour flight. He just slept like a log. I didn't even manage to sleep for more than 3 hours! But that was ok, I got a picture of Joey cuddling with my smurf =). he he

When we were touching down in Taiwan I was able to see my first glimpse of sky. There was so many clouds! I wish the lighting had been better because it had to be one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen.
Well I'm in Taiwan now and pretty much exhausted. Just 9 more hours and then I can finally sleep.

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