Friday, May 21, 2010


Day three: Today we woke up even earlier! We drove down the last of the western coast of Taiwan and made it to the very bottom.

We spent most of the day in Kenting National Park looking at many of the scenic views. Too bad it was so hot because we couldn't leave the bus for very long with so many elderly people on our tour (Joey included).

Now what could all of these tourists be crowding up in the heat to look at?

Its a bunch of dead coral reef that apparently looks like a cat! And not the bit that you would expect.. I had to have Joey point out to me what everyone was so excited to see.

Seeing that cat was defiantly worth missing this beach ... =(

We finally made it to the southern tip of Taiwan! It was so nice to stand in the cool ocean breeze on that extra hot summer day.

This is one of Taiwan's most famous light houses. It was built by the Americans a really long time ago because they kept crashing their ships into the coast. Any sailors who made it to shore would have been fine living on the plenty of fresh produce in the area. But unfortunately the Taiwanese aboriginals were cannibals!

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